Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Second Chance for an Orphaned Kitten

Billy was barely two months old when he first arrived at my shelter. He was born on the street, where he had lived together with his mother and siblings until his entire family were brutally killed by roaming dogs. Billy has been left all alone in the world, a tiny little baby, with no one to take care of him or to provide him with everything that a kitten should have. He had no chance of being taken into a temporary foster home; it was considered that he was doing well enough on the street. I agreed to take him in as
soon as I heard that he existed – what other choice did I have?

Anyway, little Billy has been picked up and was allegedly freed of external parasites, yet he arrived here full of fleas, worms and with a fungal infection. It turns out that he is
flea allergic as well, he had many bald spots all over his tiny body. In addition, he was bone skinny and therefore might have become susceptible to a myriad of viruses. I freed him of internal parasites on that very first day – he was vomiting worms for hours! I wasn’t even
sure if he would survive. From my previous experiences with little kittens, I’ve learned that they usually go through the acute health crises approximately from 10 days to two weeks after being rescued. I feared that Billy would suddenly get worse and I kept a constant
eye on him.

This adorable little guy had been doing fine for days, he’d grown quite a bit and gained a lot of weight. He was very playful, lively and cheerful from the beginning; chasing mouse shaped toys, random flies and constantly pouncing
on every moving thing. He wasn’t able to understand why he was being kept separated from the other cats, but he was an expert at finding a way to play on his own. The end of quarantine couldn’t come too soon.

And then fate has
struck yet again. Baby Billy is sick right now. I strongly hoped this tiny fellow wouldn’t contract a viral infection, but he has somehow. He’s under treatment at the moment, but it’s hard to give any prognosis yet. It’s too early to say if he’ll have the strength to get over

He has a high fever, yet he keeps purring and cuddling. He is even trying to play, a poor little boy, who's never had anything until he arrived at the shelter.

Please, help us if you can! No one in the world could bear to
lose baby kittens one after another. Little Billy deserves a chance! Just look at his tiny, cute and innocent face!

1 comment:

Angela P said...

Just donated and am praying for little Billy...such an angel.