Sunday, March 7, 2010

Few kitties seriously ill

I have not much to report, except that out of six cats that had to visit the vet last week, two of them are critically ill: Icuka, and Sugi.

Icuka is a Siamese, and Danica has had her for many years, so it might be age, but Sugi, you will remember Danica found in the street several months ago, with some bad burns. Now, those were healed, but now his kidneys are failing. He is young, but with sick kidneys, we all know that with cats the future is not very bright.

The rest are some pictures of the new shelter being built (these are older photos, but Danica is going tomorrow there to give a portion of the payment to the worker, so I will post some fresh photos. And at the end, random Danica's kitties, just being so sweet and funny , as always. One of the Danica called Milka Penzionerka, which literally means Milka the Retiree.And in Serbian, it also rimes!

I am also posting a link for the new memorial page for little Milance on Face Book.

Thank you all so, so very much, for everything!

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