Monday, September 3, 2007

So, finally words from Danica – after two weeks! 6 of the cats got ill, one got killed by a car, another one by a dog! On top of that, Danica herself was sick (has some swelling in her knees , could not walk, and had to go to the doctors to do blood tests and what not), and then she found a half dead dog in front of the building, that she could not just leave there. ...She told me that she is sorry to have spent all the money on such big food supplies, when now she has all the vet bills coming up.

So, here is sad update:
Lizan under new therapy for some painful skin problems; Tufnica & Futka, the two recently fixed girls, both have diarrhea; Okac, the one with the twice operated eye – has pneumonia; Frca, the one that for some reason likes to run away, and then Danica has to look for her to bring her home – was wounded (eye & leg); Dvojka, a young male, killed by a rotweiller (this Danica did not see, she was not at home, and the neighbors told her how they screamed and tried to help, but it was too late)...And then she found a dog, some poor creature who was dying; she took him to the vet, and then a friend temporarily gave him a home. It turned our, fortunately, the dog was only dehydrated, and at least for now he has a home... And then, Spile got killed by a car. Danica has just buried him yesterday. So, not really good news.

I told Danica she should not regret that she spent all the money in advance for food (at least she is at peace there), but she claims that it was irresponsible, and that she should have left some aside for (never ending) emergencies. She will see what happens next.

(On the photos: Marponi very sick; Frca with under the eye wound, after Danica found her again and brought her home; Spile (the stripy one) who was killed by a car; doggie that Danica saved)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

vet bills are going to be a huge drain on money and Danica's spirits; there is no more sympathetic sight than a wounded and helpless innocent animal. My small part will be on its' way effective Thursday 6 Sept, only $100, but it is just the beginning from me personally, and I hope to stir up interest among friends and colleagues to create regular contributions.
